Mensaje de error

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls en book_prev() (línea 775 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/modules/book/book.module).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int en element_children() (línea 6422 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/
  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters en drupal_get_feeds() (línea 394 de /home1/montes/public_html/drupal/includes/


Solapas principales




Libro elementos de maquinas UNED    Un libro que es un clasico en el estudio de Mecanismos. Barato sobre 30 euros (2012). Sencillo con ejemplos resueltos, algunas erratas, pero se acaba entendiendo. Trabaja mucho con calculos de forma grafica de velocidades



Tema 1: Introduccion

Tema 2: Analisis de velocidades en un movimiento plano.

Tema 3: Tecnicas de determinacion de velocidades.


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